President Biden did less to improve the nation’s defenses, immigration situation and federal debt than any of his three White ...
President Joe Biden has a lower rating than his three White House predecessors, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, and George W.
A poll shows Biden's approval lower than Trump and Obama, with 77% believing he did not fulfill his campaign promises.
Americans have a dimmer view of Joe Biden’s presidency as he prepares to leave office than they did at the end of Donald ...
Despite the best efforts of aides, staffers and spin doctors in the media, it appears that President Joe Biden’s legacy will be forever tarnished. A recently released […] ...
A recent Gallup poll surveying Latinamerican perceptions of Barack Obama found that the US President’s strongest support comes from Chile, where 72% of those polled have a favourable image of him.
During his first term as President, Barack Obama worked to promote economic recovery ... the least productive in recent history, and a 2014 Gallup poll showed disapproval ratings of a little ...