Together,” a horror film with Dave Franco and Alison Brie, has sold to Neon after premiering at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival. Neon plans to release the movie in theaters on Aug. 1 amid the dog days of summer.
Dave Franco and Alison Brie spoke with PEOPLE about the last memorable note they received from a director ahead of the premiere of their movie 'Together' at the 2025 Sundance Film Festival.
Dave Franco and Alison Brie join the IndieWire Studio at Sundance to talk Michael Shanks' body horror relationship thriller, 'Together.'
The Sundance Film Festival failed to heat up, with few deals even for titles like Jennifer Lopez's "Kiss of the Spider Woman" and the acclaimed "Twinless."
Yes, Dave Franco knows you think he looks like Luigi Mangione.
Although Alison Brie and husband Dave Franco have shared the screen in the past, they truly sink into each other in 'Together'.
Together, the body horror movie starring real-life couple Alison Brie and Dave Franco, has landed at Neon, which has had success as of late with horror films like Longlegs.
Here are 15 movies that could attract buyers at this year's Sundance Film Festival, including 'Kiss of the Spider Woman,' 'Together' and 'Last Days.'
“Did we?,” retorts Brie, “Did you hear having an Eyes Whide Shut moment?” Franco answers, “We knew because of just how intense the shoot is going to be, how intense our dynamic is, what we go through that it was going to be so full on. We joked this either ends in divorce or we’re more co-dependent than ever. Luckily it was the latter.”
There’s a role that awaits Dave Franco if many people have their way. The actor was asked about comparisons in his appearance between him and alleged killer Luigi Mangione during the Sundance Film Festival, while Franco was there promoting two films.
The first-time director, a writer and producer on ‘The Bear’ and ‘Beef,’ traces the oily path from sycophant to puppet master in an ‘All About Eve’ for Generation Instagram.