The world depicted through Oxenbury’s illustrations is one of family gatherings, mealtimes and activities, but also of oceans ...
About 252 million years ago, 80 to 90 percent of life on Earth was wiped out. In the Turpan-Hami Basin, life persisted and ...
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material ...
The rich resources of Pacific kelp forests helped humans populate the Americas. Now depleted by as much as 95 percent, they ...
Where do trees get their water? How does climate change reshape forests? UC Santa Barbara professor Naomi Tague and artist ...
This oversight has led to a depletion of natural resources at an unsustainable pace with our food system as the leading cause of deforestation and biodiversity loss according to the United Nations ...
Resource advocates worry that recent layoffs within agencies like the USFS could affect forest fire suppression and other seasonal duties. (U.S. Forest Service photo by Cecilio Ricardo) Federal ...
The prospect has sparked a Buy Canadian movement, and a national Leger poll conducted last weekend suggests 80 per cent of Canadians are opposed to U.S. companies taking greater ownership of natural ...
Companies in Sharjah engaged in extractive and non-extractive activities of natural resources are now subject to 20 per cent corporate tax, it was announced on Thursday. Extractive companies are ...