Others said they tuned out the inauguration altogether. More than a dozen interviews with Americans nationwide indicated that the country remains polarized even as Trump in his inaugural address ...
President Donald Trump on Monday pardoned about 1,500 people who stormed the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, in a sweeping gesture of support to the people who assaulted police as they tried to prevent ...
Thousands of Israelis gathered in Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, some cheering and some in tears, as a giant television screen broadcast the first glimpse of the first three hostages to be released ...
Negotiators are zeroing in on a potential deal to resolve one of the most explosive questions looming over Syria's future: the fate of Kurdish forces that the U.S. considers key allies against Islamic ...
The U.S. Commerce Department and FBI are both investigating a little-known telecoms hardware firm founded by senior Huawei veterans in China over possible security risks, sources and documents show.
Thousands of Donald Trump's supporters packed a Washington arena on Sunday to celebrate his victory, a day before the president-elect returns to power with plans to aggressively reshape U.S.
Wildfires that devastated neighbourhoods across Los Angeles have provided fresh motivation for critics of the 2028 Games and complicated the effort to host the world's biggest sporting event, but ...
元朗謀殺及傷人案累計6人被捕, 其中兩名19歲和27歲男子, 各被暫控一項謀殺罪及一項傷人罪, 明日在粉嶺裁判法院提堂. 27歲男子同時被控一項管有第1部毒藥罪. 其餘4名被捕人仍被扣留調查. 警方過去兩日, 先後在屯門、 機場和天水圍, ...
一名10歲日本男童去年9月在深圳上學途中遇襲身亡, 日本共同社報道指, 44歲疑兇一審被判處死刑. 案件早上在深圳市中級人民法院開審, 日本駐廣州總領事貴島善子到庭旁聽, 記者被拒入內聽審. 共同社引述日本駐華大使金杉憲治指, 疑兇被判處死刑. 案發於去年9月18日, 就讀深圳日本人學校的10歲男童, 上學途中被人用刀刺傷, 其後傷重不治, 44歲男疑犯被控以殺人罪. 日本當局其後要求中方, 確保 ...
來擊倒恐懼 (左一拳右一拳 我哋大家出一拳) Pick me up (左一拳右一拳) 抱膝腫痛也樂趣 (左一拳右一拳) 直至躺著累 (左一拳右一拳) 別再躺著淚 (左一拳右一拳) ...
世界動物衞生組織通報, 指英國東薩塞克斯郡和施洛普郡, 爆發高致病性H5N1禽流感. 食安中心即時指示業界, 暫停從兩個地區進口禽肉及禽類產品, 包括禽蛋, 以保障公眾健康. 中心指, 根據政府統計處的資料, 本港去年首9個月從英國進口約900公噸冰鮮和冷藏禽肉, 及約99萬隻禽蛋. 中心已就事件聯絡英國當局, 並會密切留意有關消息, 因應當地疫情發展, 採取適當行動.
一名12歲女童同時感染乙型流感和甲類鏈球菌, 併發肺炎、 呼吸衰竭及敗血性休克, 目前情況危殆. 衛生防護中心指, 女童有接種流感疫苗, 過往健康良好, 上星期五起發燒、 流鼻水及咳嗽, 三度向私家醫生求醫, 前日因為氣促到伊利沙伯醫院急症室求醫, 昨日被轉送兒童醫院兒童深切治療部, 鼻咽樣本對乙型流感病毒呈陽性反應, 而血液樣本就對甲類鏈球菌呈陽性反應. 女童在潛伏期內無外遊, 就讀的學校近日無 ...